Saturday 22 October 2016

Our Australian style Wedding

Our daughter who was serving with the RAF and living in Canary Wharf London at the time.
Had volunteered her services to assist in the Wimbledon tennis tournament in June of 2004.
It was while she was there she met and fell in love with an Australian who was also serving
         in the Australian Air Force and was on a 12-month detachment to the UK.
            He to had also volunteered to assist with running of the Tennis tournament.

The relationship blossomed and  when Matt returned to Australia Judith went out on
holiday and met Matt's parent's and relatives,on her return to the UK she told us she  had
                 made up her mind and she wanted to live in Australia.
She was very independent and when she made her mind up to do something ,there were
no if's and buts that was it,Matt had been married before and had 2 teenage children and
although the separation was an amicable arrangement  this concerned us as to whether
                                        she was taking to much on.
I remember thinking at the time that's not something I could do,there it stayed in my mind
only.  There was never any such doubt in her mind and set everything in motion to achieve
her aim, she had to serve notice to leave the RAF ,they were reducing numbers at the time
so that was easy to organize,she sold her recently bought car to a work colleague and her
     flat in Canary Wharf was provided by the RAF so that was all taken care of

After spending time living in Australia Matt and Judith returned to the UK on holiday and
plans were made to get married,it was decided that the wedding venue would be Australia
and everyone agreed although my wife did have reservations because she felt she would
miss out on the planning side which did happen to some extent.but she was involved in the
selection of the Wedding dress.When Matt and Judith to organise the final preparations
there they had to leave the dress behind as it needed altering we then took it with us.
The Dress shop did an excellent job of  packing, it arrived in Australia in better shape than
         we did 22hrs was a long time in flight with a short break in Hong Kong.

Matt's family had done a stalwart job of organizing everything  there and everything
          went like clockwork and everyone enjoyed a very special day.
The church was situated close to the sea and the sun shone throughout the day.
Australia is a great country and the people are very friendly a lot of Brits emigrate
             there every year,after visiting there it was easy to see why.

We stayed in Sydney for a few days and enjoyed our stay there we were there soon
    after they had hosted the Olympic games so everything was still on a high level.
Peter and Karen and Bethan had arrived a couple of days before us and linked up
                               later,they enjoyed their stay there.
My brother Ed had planned his world trip to coincide with his visiting Australia at the
same time as the wedding and he arrived the day before the wedding we all went to
meet him at the airport in Sydney and took him back to the hotel which was close to
the Church.Judith's work friends in  London  had made the Journey also,Including
                         Jane the one who bought Judith's car.
We were able to do a little touring around while there we went to look at the Blue
                         Mountains,which is pretty spectacular.

                                 (train is good)

We left Australia very happy with the way everything had gone very grateful for the
welcome we had received and contentment and good wishes for the future happiness
                         of the newlyweds Mathew and Judith (Vernon)

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